To Do List
Mark the sources with `XXX
' for hacks/doubts/to-dos etc.
This is a brief index of part of these (and more).
- Is there a need in using the app. w/o the software flow control?
If yes, add an option to select
flow control type from the comm. prefs form.
- keymap support -- tie the form and the keymap module.
What could be a convenient way to represent ctrl chars?
How about changing the length accordingly? Maybe support
dynamic alloc. of the keymap strings (this will make things
complex when we come to implementing preferences DB).
- do implement preferences DB
- pilrc 1.9 and higher AUTOID should probably be used.
- Check the problem with StopSerial() restoring the default recv. buf.
- There are numerous XXX marks in vt100.c I do not understand.
BTW, maybe we should provide another set of options similar
to the VT100 setup screen (other than communications -- this has
already been done in the comm. prefs. form): to change control chars semantics,
wrapping behaviour, reverse wrapping, bell options etc.
- Support upper half of the font. (Any volunteers
to create a complete font?)
- xterm-like mouseclick support
- Dialer support
(I figured entering AT commands by hand was good
enough for an early alpha...)
- Selection / Cut'n'Paste
- Attributes - underline / reverse (bold isn't very likely)
- Panning (virtual display) for 80x24 support
- Scrollback buffer
- Tab / Return buttons or keymaps (12/29 started)
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